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  Gaia DR3 Part 1. Main source (Gaia Collaboration, 2022)
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1.I/355/oaninfoContent of a Self-Organized Map calculated from a dataset composed by outliers by the Apsis module OA (oaneuroninformation) (original column names in green) (900 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  SolID  Solution Identifier (solution_id) (meta.version)
  SOMID  Self-Organized Map identifier (som_id) (
  NeuId  Neuron identifier (neuron_id) (
  NeuRowIdx   [0/29] Row index of the neuron in the Self-Organised Map lattice (neuron_row_index) (
  NeuColIdx   [0/29] Column index of the neuron in the Self-Organised Map lattice (neuron_column_index) (
  hits  Number of sources populating the neuron (hits) (meta.number)
  Class (char) Astronomical class estimated for the neuron (class_label) (meta.code.class)
  CentId  Identifier of the Gaia source that minimizes the classification distance to the neuron (centroid_id) (
  CentDist  Squared Euclidean distance between the centroid XP spectrum and the neuron XP prototype (centroid_distance) (
  TempDist  (n) Squared Euclidean distance between the reference XP template and the neuron XP prototype (template_distance) (

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  Gmag mag Mean G value for the sources that belong to the neuron (g_mag_mean) (phot.mag;em.opt)
  s_Gmag mag Standard deviation of G values for the sources that belong to the neuron (g_mag_std_dev) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt)
  b_Gmag mag Minimum G value for the sources that belong to the neuron (g_mag_min) (phot.mag;em.opt;stat.min)
  B_Gmag mag Maximum G value for the sources that belong to the neuron (g_mag_max) (phot.mag;em.opt;stat.max)
  BPmag mag Mean GBP value for the sources that belong to the neuron (bp_mag_mean) (phot.mag;em.opt;stat.mean)
  s_BPmag mag Standard deviation of GBP values for the sources that belong to the neuron (bp_mag_std_dev) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.B)
  b_BPmag mag Minimum value of GBP for the sources that belong to the neuron (bp_mag_min) (phot.mag;em.opt.B;stat.min)
  B_BPmag mag Maximum value of GBP for the sources that belong to the neuron (bp_mag_max) (phot.mag;em.opt.B;stat.max)
  RPmag mag Mean GRP value for the sources that belong to the neuron neuron (rp_mag_mean) (phot.mag;em.opt.B;stat.mean)
  s_RPmag mag Standard deviation of GRP values for the sources that belong to the neuron (rp_mag_std_dev) (stat.error;phot.mag;em.opt.R)
  b_RPmag mag Minimum value of GRP for the sources that belong to the neuron (rp_mag_min) (phot.mag;em.opt.R;stat.min)
  B_RPmag mag Maximum value of GRP for the sources that belong to the neuron (rp_mag_max) (phot.mag;em.opt.R;stat.max)
  pmRA mas/yr Mean value of the proper motion in right ascension for the sources that belong to the neuron (pm_ra_mean) (;pos.eq.ra;stat.mean)

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  s_pmRA mas/yr Standard deviation of the proper motion in right ascension for the sources that belong to the neuron (pm_ra_std_dev) (stat.error;;pos.eq.ra)
  b_pmRA mas/yr Minimum value of the proper motion in right ascension for the sources that belong to the neuron (pm_ra_min) (;pos.eq.ra;stat.min)
  B_pmRA mas/yr Maximum value of the proper motion in right ascension for the sources that belong to the neuron (pm_ra_max) (;pos.eq.ra;stat.max)
  pmDE mas/yr Mean value of the proper motion in declination for the sources that belong to the neuron (pm_dec_mean) (;pos.eq.dec;stat.mean)
  s_pmDE mas/yr Standard deviation of the proper motion in declination for the sources that belong to the neuron (pm_dec_std_dev) (stat.error;;pos.eq.dec)
  b_pmDE mas/yr Minimum value of the proper motion in declination for the sources that belong to the neuron (pm_dec_min) (;pos.eq.dec;stat.min)
  B_pmDE mas/yr Maximum value of the proper motion in declination for the sources that belong to the neuron (pm_dec_max) (;pos.eq.dec;stat.max)
  Plx mas Mean parallax value for the sources that belong to the neuron (parallax_mean) (pos.parallax.trig;stat.mean)
  s_Plx mas Standard deviation of the parallax values for the sources that belong to the neuron (parallax_std_dev) (stat.error;pos.parallax.trig)
  b_Plx mas Minimum parallax value for the sources that belong to the neuron (parallax_min) (pos.parallax.trig;stat.min)
  B_Plx mas Maximum parallax value for the sources that belong to the neuron (parallax_max) (pos.parallax.trig;stat.max)
  GLON deg [] Mean galactic latitude for the sources that belong to the neuron (gal_latitude_mean) (;stat.mean)
  s_GLON deg Standard deviation of the galactic latitude values for the sources that belong to the neuron (gal_latitude_std_dev) (stat.error;

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  b_GLON deg Minimum galactic latitude for the sources that belong to the neuron (gal_latitude_min) (;stat.min)
  B_GLON deg Maximum galactic latitude for the sources that belong to the neuron (gal_latitude_max) (;stat.max)
  intraDist  Mean value of the squared Euclidean distance between each of the XP sources in the neuron and the neuron prototype (intra_neuron_distance_mean) (pos.distance;stat.value)
  s_intraDist  Standard deviation of the squared Euclidean distance between each of the XP sources in the neuron and the neuron prototype (intra_neuron_distance_std_dev) (stat.value;stat.error)
  b_intraDist  Minimum squared Euclidean distance between each of the XP sources in the neuron and the neuron prototype (intra_neuron_distance_min) (stat.value;stat.min)
  B_intraDist  Maximum squared Euclidean distance between each of the XP sources in the neuron and the neuron prototype (intra_neuron_distance_max) (stat.value;stat.max)
  interDist  Mean value of the squared Euclidean distance between the neuron XP prototype and the XP prototypes of its immediate neighbours (inter_neuron_distance_mean) (stat.value)
  s_interDist  Standard deviation of the squared Euclidean distance between the neuron XP prototype and the XP prototypes of its immediate neighbours (inter_neuron_distance_std_dev) (stat.value;stat.error)
  b_interDist  Minimum value of the squared Euclidean distance between the neuron XP prototype and the XP prototypes of its immediate neighbours (inter_neuron_distance_min) (stat.value;stat.min)
  B_interDist  Maximum value of the squared Euclidean distance between the neuron XP prototype and the XP prototypes of its immediate neighbours (inter_neuron_distance_max) (stat.value;stat.max)
  Template (char) Name of the template used to describe the neuron (template_name) (meta.record)
  dist25  25th percentile value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_percentile25) (stat.value)
  dist50  50th percentile value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_percentile50) (stat.value)

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  dist68  68th percentile value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_percentile68) (stat.value)
  dist75  75th percentile value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_percentile75) (stat.value)
  dist99  95th percentile value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_percentile95) (stat.value)
  distFWHM  Full Width at Half Maximum value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_fwhm) (stat.value)
  distSkew  Skewness value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_skew) (stat.value)
  distKur  Kurtosis value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_kurtosis) (stat.value)
  distiqr  Inter-Quartile Range value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_i_q_r) (stat.value)
  distFWHMn  Normalized FWHM value for the intra-neuron distance distribution (distance_fwhm_norm) (stat.value)
  Quality   [0/6] Quality category assigned to the neuron (quality_category) (meta.code.qual)
  NBP  Mean value of the number of BP transits for the sources that belong to the neuron (bp_transits_mean) (meta.number)
  s_NBP  Standard deviation of the number of BP transits for the sources that belong to the neuron (bp_transits_std_dev) (meta.number;stat.stdev)
  b_NBP  Minimum value of the number of BP transits for the sources that belong to the neuron (bp_transits_min) (meta.number;stat.min)
  B_NBP  Maximum value of the number of BP transits for the sources that belong to the neuron (bp_transits_max) (meta.number;stat.max)

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  NRP  Mean value of the number of RP transits for the sources that belong to the neuron (rp_transits_mean) (meta.number;stat.mean)
  s_NRP  Standard deviation of the number of RP transits for the sources that belong to the neuron (rp_transits_std_dev) (meta.number;stat.stdev)
  b_NRP  Minimum value of the number of RP transits for the sources that belong to the neuron (rp_transits_min) (meta.number;stat.min)
  B_NRP  Maximum value of the number of RP transits for the sources that belong to the neuron (rp_transits_max) (meta.number;stat.max)
  RUWE  Mean value of the renormalised unit weight error for the sources that belong to the neuron (ruwe_mean) (stat.weight;stat.mean)
  s_RUWE  Standard deviation of the renormalised unit weight error for the sources that belong to the neuron (ruwe_std_dev) (stat.weight;stat.stdev)
  b_RUWE  Minimum value of the renormalised unit weight error for the sources that belong to the neuron (ruwe_min) (stat.weight;stat.min)
  B_RUWE  Maximum value of the renormalised unit weight error for the sources that belong to the neuron (ruwe_max) (stat.weight;stat.max)
  E(BP/RP)  Mean value of the BP/RP flux excess for the sources that belong to the neuron (bprp_mean_flux_excess_mean) (arith.factor;phot.flux;em.opt)
  s_E(BP/RP)  Standard deviation of the BP/RP flux excess for the sources that belong to the neuron (bprp_mean_flux_excess_std_dev) (arith.factor;phot.flux;em.opt)
  b_E(BP/RP)  Minimum value of the BP/RP flux excess for the sources that belong to the neuron (bprp_mean_flux_excess_min) (arith.factor;phot.flux;em.opt)
  B_E(BP/RP)  Maximum value of the BP/RP flux excess for the sources that belong to the neuron (bprp_mean_flux_excess_max) (arith.factor;phot.flux;em.opt)
  BP-RP mag Mean value of the GBP-GRP colour for the sources that belong to the neuron (bprp_colour_mean) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  s_BP-RP mag Standard deviation of the GBP-GRP colour for the sources that belong to the neuron (bprp_colour_std_dev) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  b_BP-RP mag Minimum value of the GBP-GRP colour for the sources that belong to the neuron (bprp_colour_min) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)
  B_BP-RP mag Maximum value of the GBP-GRP colour for the sources that belong to the neuron (bprp_colour_max) (phot.color;em.opt.B;em.opt.R)

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