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  Gaia DR3 Part 2. Extra-galactic (Gaia Collaboration, 2022)
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1.I/356/qsocandParameters derived from various modules dedicated to the classification and characterisation of sources considered as QSO candidates (QSO_candidates) (original column names in green) (6649162 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Source  Unique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release) (source_id) (;meta.main)
  SolID  Solution Identifier (solution_id) (meta.version)
  ASF   [0/1] Flag indicating if the source is part of the astrometric selection (astrometric_selection_flag) (meta.code.status)
  GCS   [0/1] Flag indicative of whether the source was used define the Gaia-CRF3 (gaia_crf_source) (meta.code.status)
  Class (char) Name of best class (in vcclassd.dat table) (vari_best_class_name) (meta.code.class)
  ClassSc  (n) Score of the best class (vari_best_class_score) (stat.probability)
  fvarG  (n) Fractional variability in the G band (fractional_variability_g) (src.var.amplitude;em.opt)
  SFIndex  (n) Index of the first-order structure function in the G band (structure_function_index) (src.var.index)
  s_SFIndex  (n) Standard deviation of the index of the structure function (structure_function_index_scatter) (stat.stdev;src.var.index)
  QSOVar  (n) Quasar variability metric in the G band (qso_variability) (src.var)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  NonQSOVar  (n) Non-quasar variability metric in the G band (non_qso_variability) (src.var)
  VAGNMenSc  (n) Membership score (0=lowest,1=highest) of source to be of AGN type (vari_agn_membership_score) (stat.probability)
  PQSO  (n) Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a quasar (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) (classprob_dsc_combmod_quasar) (stat.probability)
  PGal  (n) Probability from DSC-Combmod of being a galaxy (data used: BP/RP spectrum, photometry, astrometry) (classprob_dsc_combmod_galaxy) (stat.probability)
  ClassDSCC (char) Class assigned by DSC based on the probability from its Combmod classifier (classlabel_dsc) (meta.code.class)
  ClassDCSSA (char) Class assigned by DSC based on the probability from its Specmod and Allosmod classifiers (classlabel_dsc_joint) (meta.code.class)
  ClassOA (char) Class assigned by OA the neuron that represents the source (classlabel_oa) (meta.code.class)
  z  (n) Redshift from QSOC (redshift_qsoc) (src.redshift)
  zlow  (n) Redshift lower confidence level from QSOC (redshift_qsoc_lower) (stat.value;src.redshift)
  zupp  (n) Redshift upper confidence level from QSOC (redshift_qsoc_upper) (stat.value;src.redshift)
  CCF  (n) Value of the cross-correlation function used to derive the redshift from QSOC (ccfratio_qsoc) (stat.value)
  QSOCSc  (n) Redshift zscore from QSOC (zscore_qsoc) (stat.value;src.redshift)
  flagsQSOC  (n) [0/31] Processing flags for the analysis based on BP/RP Spectra from QSOC (flags_qsoc) (Note 1)   (meta.code.status)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  Ntrans  Number of transits used for the morphological analysis (n_transits) (meta.number)
  IntQSO e-/s (n) Fitted intensity of the quasar at its centre (intensity_quasar) (phot.flux;em.opt)
  e_IntQSO e-/s (n) Error on the fitted intensity of the quasar at its centre (intensity_quasar_error) (stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt)
  IntHost e-/s (n) Fitted intensity of the host galaxy at the effective radius (intensity_hostgalaxy) (phot.flux;em.opt)
  e_IntHost e-/s (n) Error on the fitted intensity of the host galaxy at effective radius (intensity_hostgalaxy_error) (stat.error;phot.flux;em.opt)
  RadHost mas (n) Fitted effective radius of the host galaxy (radius_hostgalaxy) (src.morph.param)
  e_RadHost mas (n) Error on the fitted effective radius of the host galaxy (radius_hostgalaxy_error) (stat.error)
  n  (n) Fitted sersic Index (sersic_index) (src.morph.param)
  e_n  (n) Error on the fitted sersic Index (sersic_index_error) (stat.error)
  EllHost  (n) Fitted ellipticity of the host galaxy (ellipticity_hostgalaxy) (src.ellipticity)
  e_EllHost  (n) Error on the fitted ellipticity of the host galaxy (ellipticity_hostgalaxy_error) (stat.error;src.ellipticity)
  PAHost deg (n) Fitted position angle of the host galaxy (posangle_hostgalaxy) (pos.posAng)
  e_PAHost deg (n) Error on the fitted position angle of the host galaxy (posangle_hostgalaxy_error) (stat.error;pos.posAng)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  HostDet   [0/1] Flag indicating whether a host galaxy has been detected (host_galaxy_detected) (
  L2  (n) L2 norm for the fitted Sersic profile (l2_norm) (
  mpcv0  (n) Parameter 0 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[0]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv1  (n) Parameter 1 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[1]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv2  (n) Parameter 2 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[2]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv3  (n) Parameter 3 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[3]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv4  (n) Parameter 4 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[4]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv5  (n) Parameter 5 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[5]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv6  (n) Parameter 6 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[6]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv7  (n) Parameter 7 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[7]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv8  (n) Parameter 8 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[8]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv9  (n) Parameter 9 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[9]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv10  (n) Parameter 10 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[10]) (stat.correlation)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  mpcv11  (n) Parameter 11 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[11]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv12  (n) Parameter 12 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[12]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv13  (n) Parameter 13 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[13]) (stat.correlation)
  mpcv14  (n) Parameter 14 of vector form of the upper triangle of the correlation matrix for the fitted morphological parameters (morphparamscorr_vec[14]) (stat.correlation)
  FlagHost  (n) [0/6] Flag indicative of processing or scientific quality for the morphological parameters fitting (host_galaxy_flag) (Note 2)   (meta.code.qual)
  FlagSel  Bit indicative of whether the input data from a given module met the source list eligibility criteria for the source of interest (source_selection_flags) (Note 3)   (meta.code.status)
  CatID  (n) Catalog id (catalogue_id) (;meta.table)
  RA_ICRS deg (i) Right ascension (ICRS) at Ep=2016.0 (ra) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DE_ICRS deg (i) Declination (ICRS) at Ep=2016.0 (dec) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  _RA.icrs deg (n)(i) Right Ascension (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.ra)
  _DE.icrs deg (n)(i) Declination (ICRS, epoch 2000) computed by CDS (pos.eq.dec)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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