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  Jupiter decametric radio emissions over 26 years (Marques+, 2017)
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1.J/A+A/604/A17/obsLists of the parameters of observation (8163 rows)

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  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  RankObs   [1/8163] ( "Y:M:D" (n)Observation date (YYYY/MM/DD) (time.epoch;obs)
  TimeTrans "h:m:s" (n)Jupiter's transit at Nancay meridian (time.epoch)
  DEdeg deg Jupiter's declination (pos.eq.dec)
  HAs min Hour angle of start of observation (pos.eq.ha)
  HAe min Hour angle of end of observation (pos.eq.ha)
  Freq MHz NDA optimisation frequency (em.freq)
  Filt   [1/4] Filter (Note 1)   (;instr.filter)
  Time "h:m:s" (n)Time of filter change 1->2 or 2->1 (time.epoch)
  Obs.timeS "h:m:s" (n)Start time of observation (time.epoch)
  Obs.timeE "h:m:s" (n)End time of observation (time.epoch)
  FreqMin MHz Minimum - maximum frequency of observation (em.freq;stat.min;stat.max)
  FreqMax MHz Minimum - maximum frequency of observation (em.freq;stat.min;stat.max)
  Nem   [0/17] Number of emissions catalogued for this observation (;instr.obsty)

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