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Simple TargetList Of TargetsFast Xmatch with large catalogs or Simbad
Target Name (resolved by Sesame) or Position:
Target dimension:
NB: The epoch used for the query is the original epoch of the table(s)Radius Box size

  JVLA Observations of Chandra Planck clusters (Osinga+, 2022)
Post annotation
1.J/A+A/665/A71/tablec1Polarised source catalogue (819 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  RAJ2000 deg (i) [] Source right ascension (J2000) (RA) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) Source declination (J2000) (DEC) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  Maj arcsec Source major axis (Maj) (phys.angSize)
  Min arcsec Source minor axis (Min) (phys.angSize;src)
  PA deg [] Source position angle (PA) (pos.posAng)
  PFExtDepol  (n) Best fit intrinsic polarisation fraction (PolFrac_ExtDepol) (phys.polarization)
  e_PFExtDepol  (n) Lower error (PolFracErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)
  E_PFExtDepol  (n) Upper error (PolFracErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  IAExtDepol rad (n) Best fit intrinsic polarisation angle (IntrAngl_ExtDepol) (phys.polarization)
  e_IAExtDepol rad (n) Lower error (IntrAnglErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  E_IAExtDepol rad (n) Upper error (IntrAnglErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  RMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Best fit RM (RM_ExtDepol) (phys.polarization.rotMeasure)
  e_RMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Lower error (RMErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)
  E_RMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Upper error (RMErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  sigRMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Best fit depol (sigmaRM) (sigmaRM_ExtDepol) (phys.polarization.rotMeasure)
  e_sigRMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Lower error (sigmaRMErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)
  E_sigRMExtDepol rad/m2 (n) Upper error (sigmaRMErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  I0ExtDepol mJy (n) Best fit I0 (I0ExtDepol) (;meta.modelled)
  e_I0ExtDepol mJy (n) Lower error (I0ErrNeg_ExtDepol) (stat.error)
  E_I0ExtDepol mJy (n) Upper error (I0ErrPos_ExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)
  aExtDepol  (n) Best fit spectral index (a_ExtDepol) (spect.index)
  e_aExtDepol  (n) Lower error (aErrNegExtDepol) (stat.error)
  E_aExtDepol  (n) Upper error (aErrPosExtDepol) (stat.error;stat.max)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  chi2QU  (n) Chi2 value for QU fit (chi2_QU) (
  bestz  (n) Best-estimate redshift (z) (bestz) (src.redshift)
  e_bestz  (n) Error on best-estimate z (bestz_err) (stat.error)
  r_bestz  (n) [0/4] Source of best estimate z (bestz_source) (Note 1)   (meta.ref;pos.frame)
  rnorm  (n) Radius/R500 to cluster centre (rnorm) (phys.size.radius;arith.ratio)
  thetap arcmin Radius to pointing centre (theta_p) (phys.angSize)
  Cluster (char) Name of target cluster (Cluster) (
  RAodeg deg (n) Best estimate optical host right ascension (J2000) (ra_opthost) (pos.eq.ra)
  DEodeg deg (n) Best estimate host declination (J2000) (dec_opthost) (pos.eq.dec)
  MultiFlag   [0/1] If Source is multicomponent (MultiCompFlag) (meta.code)
  Flagged   [0/1] If Source was flagged (Flagged) (meta.code.error)
  Note (char) Additional notes (Note) (meta.note)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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usage  Display UCD1+    UCD1  
elapse time 1