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  Narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies from SDSS-DR3 (Zhou+, 2006)
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1.J/ApJS/166/128/table1Emission-line properties of 2011 SDSS-DR3 narrow line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) (2011 rows)

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ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Name (char) Object name (; J2000) (
  z   [0.01/0.8] Redshift (src.redshift)
  L5100 [10-7W] [41.9/45.7] Log of the monochromatic luminosity at 5100Å (Note 1)   (phys.luminosity;em.opt)
  FC  Featureless nuclear continuum fraction at 5100Å (Note 2)   (
  FHbn 10-20W/m2(n) [0/568] Hβ narrow component flux (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  e_FHbn 10-20W/m2(n) Uncertainty in FHbn (Note 3)   (stat.error)
  FHbb 10-20W/m2(n) [55/11025] Hβ broad component flux (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  e_FHbb 10-20W/m2(n) Uncertainty in FHbb (Note 3)   (stat.error)
  FWHMHb km/s (n) [392/2198] Hβ broad component FWHM (spect.line.width)
  e_FWHMHb km/s (n) Uncertainty in FWHMHb (stat.error)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  F[OIII] 10-20W/m2(n) [2/4172] The [OIII] (5007) flux (Note 3)   (phot.flux;em.line.OIII;spect.line)
  e_F[OIII] 10-20W/m2(n) Uncertainty in F[OIII] (Note 3)   (stat.error)
  FHan 10-20W/m2(n) [1/5513] Hα narrow component flux (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  e_FHan 10-20W/m2(n) Uncertainty in FHan (Note 3)   (stat.error)
  FHab 10-20W/m2(n) [183/39231] Hα broad component flux (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  e_FHab 10-20W/m2(n) Uncertainty in FHab (Note 3)   (stat.error)
  FWHMHa km/s (n) [352/2294] Hα broad component FWHM (spect.line.width)
  e_FWHMHa km/s (n) Uncertainty in FWHMHa (stat.error)
  F[NII] 10-20W/m2(n) [1/2982] The [NII] (6583) flux (Note 3)   (phot.flux)
  e_F[NII] 10-20W/m2(n) Uncertainty in F[NII] (Note 3)   (stat.error)
  FWHMNII km/s (n) [2/1047] The [NII] (6583) FWHM (spect.line.width)
  e_FWHMNII km/s (n) Uncertainty in FWHMNII (stat.error)
  R4570  (n) [0/3.1] Optical FeII strength relative to Hβ broad component (phys.atmol.collStrength;arith.ratio)
  e_R4570  (n) Uncertainty in R4570 (stat.error)
  Sloan  Display the online SDSS data for the nearest object in the latest release (meta.ref.url)
  SimbadName (char) Designation understandable by the Simbad data-base (
  NED  ask the NED data-base about this object (meta.ref.url)
  _RA deg (i) Position from Name (right ascension part) (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  _DE deg (i) Position from Name (declination part) (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)

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(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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