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  GOGREEN and GCLASS surveys: DR1 (Balogh+, 2021)
Post annotation
1.J/MNRAS/500/358/clustersData associated with each system (Table 2) (original column names in green) (26 rows)

Query by Constraints constraints help applied on Columns (Output Order: + - )
Standard Original
ShowSortColumn  Constraint Explain   (UCD)
  recno  Record number assigned by the VizieR team. Should Not be used for identification. (meta.record)
  Cl (char) (i) Abbreviated cluster name (cluster) (
  Name (char) Full cluster name (fullname) (Note G1)   (;meta.main)
  ID  (n) [1/19] Identifier for the corresponding photometry (cluster_id) (Note 1)   (
  RAJ2000 deg (i) [8/317] Right ascension (J2000) (RA_Best) (Note 2)   (pos.eq.ra;meta.main)
  DEJ2000 deg (i) [-59/59] Declination (J2000) (DEC_Best) (Note 2)   (pos.eq.dec;meta.main)
  RAGdeg deg (n) GMOS Right ascension (J2000) (RA_GMOS) (Note 3)   (pos.eq.ra)
  DEGdeg deg (n) GMOS Declination (J2000) (DEC_GMOS) (Note 3)   (pos.eq.dec)
  PA deg (n) [0/350] Position angle for the GMOS spectroscopic observations (GOGREEN only) (PA_deg) (pos.posAng)
  z   [0.86/1.47] Best estimate of the cluster redshift (Redshift) (Note 4)   (src.redshift)
  Vdisp km/s (n) [200/1350] Velocity dispersion computed as described in Section 4.2.3 (phys.veloc.dispersion;meta.modelled)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  e_Vdisp km/s [28/400] Vdisp uncertainty (vdisp_err) (stat.error)
  GGmaskN1 (char) Name of GOGREEN GMOS mask for N=1 used to obtain spectra for this program (gogreen_m1) (instr.param)
  GGmaskN2 (char) Name of GOGREEN GMOS mask for N=2 used to obtain spectra for this program (gogreen_m2) (instr.param)
  GGmaskN3 (char) Name of GOGREEN GMOS mask for N=3 used to obtain spectra for this program (gogreen_m3) (instr.param)
  GGmaskN4 (char) Name of GOGREEN GMOS mask for N=4 used to obtain spectra for this program (gogreen_m4) (instr.param)
  GGmaskN5 (char) Name of GOGREEN GMOS mask for N=5 used to obtain spectra for this program (gogreen_m5) (instr.param)
  GGmaskN6 (char) Name of GOGREEN GMOS mask for N=6 used to obtain spectra for this program (gogreen_m6) (instr.param)
  GGClN1 (char) Name of GCLASS GMOS mask for N=1 used to obtain spectra for this program (gclass_m1) (instr.param)
  GGClN2 (char) Name of GCLASS GMOS mask for N=2 used to obtain spectra for this program (gclass_m2) (instr.param)
  GGClN3 (char) Name of GCLASS GMOS mask for N=3 used to obtain spectra for this program (gclass_m3) (instr.param)
  GGClN4 (char) Name of GCLASS GMOS mask for N=4 used to obtain spectra for this program (gclass_m4) (instr.param)
  GGClN5 (char) Name of GCLASS GMOS mask for N=5 used to obtain spectra for this program (gclass_m5) (instr.param)
  KCat (char) Name of K-selected photometry catalog (Kphot_cat) (;meta.dataset)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
  zphCat (char) Name of photometric redshift catalog (photoz_cat) (;meta.dataset)
  MsCat (char) Name of catalog with stellar mass information (stelmass_cat) (;meta.dataset)
  UImg (char) Name of image for filter U for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_U) (obs.image)
  BImg (char) [mosVIMOSB3] Name of image for filter B for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_B) (obs.image)
  GImg (char) Name of image for filter G for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_G) (obs.image)
  VImg (char) [mosVIMOSV3] Name of image for filter V for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_V) (obs.image)
  RImg (char) Name of image for filter R for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_R) (obs.image)
  IImg (char) Name of image for filter I for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_I) (obs.image)
  ZImg (char) Name of image for filter Z for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_Z) (obs.image)
  JImg (char) Name of image for filter J for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_J) (obs.image)
  J1Img (char) [mosFOURSTARJ13] Name of image for filter J1 for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_J1) (obs.image)
  YImg (char) [mosHSCy3] Name of image for filter Y for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_Y) (obs.image)
  KImg (char) Name of image for filter K for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_K) (obs.image)
  IR1Img (char) [mosIRAC13 ] Name of image for filter IRAC1 for SpARCS and SPT clusters (IMAGE_IRAC1) (obs.image)
  PreImg (char) Name of the GMOS z-band image, or Subaru pseudo-image, used for mask design (Preimage) (Note 5)   (obs.image)

ALL cols
(n) indicates a possible blank or NULL column(i)indexed column
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elapse time 1