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  Iron Project. LIII. Fe XVII (Nahar+, 2003)
    J/A+A/408/789/table2bFine structure energy levels of the ion, with spectroscopic designation, ordered in Jπ and energy (454 rows)
    J/A+A/408/789/table2cFine structure levels of the core/target included in the eigenfunction expansion of ion (60 rows)
    J/A+A/408/789/table4aFine structure levels (454 rows)
    J/A+A/408/789/table4b*Table of fine structure transitions (Note) (20951 rows)
    J/A+A/408/789/table5Table of oscillator strengths (447 rows)
    J/A+A/408/789/lifetimeLifetimes of fine structure levels using allowed transitions only (453 rows)

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