Sesame name resolver
Dictionary of nomenclature
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Catalogues and files available at CDS
Version of 13-Feb-2016
B. Copies of external databases, regularly updated.
(30 catalogues)
I. Astrometric Data
(285 catalogues)
II. Photometric Data
(307 catalogues)
III. Spectroscopic Data
(241 catalogues)
IV. Cross-Identifications
(29 catalogues)
V. Combined data
(130 catalogues)
VI. Miscellaneous
(125 catalogues)
VII. Non-stellar Objects
(231 catalogues)
VIII. Radio and Far-IR data
(98 catalogues)
IX. High-Energy data
(40 catalogues)
Tables from
Astronomy and Astrophysics
(4544 catalogues)
Tables from
Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series
(1091 catalogues)
Tables from
Astronomical Journal
(2141 catalogues)
Tables from
Astronomische Nachrichten
(55 catalogues)
Tables from
Astronomicheskii Zhurnal (Russian)
(156 catalogues)
Tables from
Acta Astronomica
(101 catalogues)
Tables from
Astrophysical Journal
(2683 catalogues)
Tables from
Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series
(1168 catalogues)
Tables from
Baltic Astronomy
(54 catalogues)
Tables from
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
(1916 catalogues)
Tables from
Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
(86 catalogues)
Tables from
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
(194 catalogues)
Tables from
Pis'ma v Astronomicheskii Zhurnal (Astronomy Letters)
(163 catalogues)
Tables from
publications from other journals
(371 catalogues)
Catalogues ordered by their
Usual Name
(4365 catalogues)
Catalogues with
Additional Material