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3 catalogs found
  Spectroscopic obs. in ATLAS and Aliqa Uma streams (Li+, 2021)
    J/ApJ/911/149/table1(c)A total of 96 spectroscopic members in ATLAS stream and Aliqa Uma stream (96 rows)
    J/ApJ/911/149/table2(c)Blue horizontal branch (BHB) and RR Lyrae (RRL) members in ATLAS stream and Aliqa Uma stream (18 rows)
    J/ApJ/911/149/table3(c)A total of 25 spectroscopic members in Palca stream, found in the ATLAS-Aliqa Uma (AAU) stream fields (25 rows)
  R-Process Alliance (RPA). II. Halo RPE stars (Shank+, 2023)
    J/ApJ/943/23/cdtgsIdentified chemodynamically tagged groups (Table 2), biweight estimates (Table3a) and dynamical parameters (Table 4) (36 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table3CDTGs identified by HDBSCAN (375 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/notes3Additional information for table3.dat (336 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table7Associations of identified CDTGs with previous groups (95 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table8CDTG abundance means, dispersions and inter-quartile ranges (42 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table12(c)Initial sample from the r-process-enhanced (RPE) sample (1776 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table13(c)Final sample from the RPE sample (1720 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table14Identified carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars and their group association (105 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table15CDTGs identified by HDBSCAN for the r-I sample (274 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/r-ICDTG biweight estimates (Table15a) and dynamical parameters (Table 16) for the r-I sample (28 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/notes15Additional information for table15.dat (250 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table17CDTG abundance means, dispersions and inter-quartile Ranges (IQRs) for the r-I sample (34 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table18CDTGs identified by HDBSCAN for the r-II sample (144 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/notes18Additional information for table18.dat (212 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table19CDTG dynamical parameters determined by AGAMA for the r-II sample (20 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/table20CDTG abundance means, dispersions and inter-quartile ranges (IQRs) for the r-II sample (26 rows)
    J/ApJ/943/23/refsReferences (93 rows)
  Results for 26 star clusters in the Mag. Clouds (Song+, 2021)
    J/MNRAS/504/4160/table1General properties of star clusters in our sample (26 rows)
    J/MNRAS/504/4160/table2(c)Positions and structural parameters of star clusters in our sample (26 rows)
    J/MNRAS/504/4160/table5(c)Final sample of all stars (3095 rows)

       (c)  indicates tables which contain celestial coordinates 
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