VizieR help - FAQ - Tutorial

The VizieR Search Page is aimed

  1. to set up the desired results:
    • which constraints are to be applied to columns of the tables
    • which columns will be displayed
    • the order in which the records (rows) will be displayed.
    Once all your wishes are typed in, just click on any Submit Query button – several buttons are provided just to avoid unnecessary scrollings.

  2. to make some operations like:

Existing columns are generally not all presented – but an Adapt Form section proposes different choices for this Selection Page.

The Page can be seen as 3 parts:

  1. the target search
  2. the list of tables
  3. the constraints

Use the VizieR navigation bar to choose additional computed columns.

1  The target search

In the current section, we discuss only about the default target Simple target. The second possibility List Of target concerns list (more details on list of constraints).

Enter in the Target box a position on the sky in the equinox or reference frame selected. This position may be:

The Search Window can be

2  The list of tables

This section displays the description of the tables you selected.

You can update this list with the VizieR navigation bar

The annotation service

You can post an annotation to the catalog by clicking on the link Post annotation in the catalog description (or put an annotation to the table in Page4 or for a row in Page5).
If you do it (and after validation by the CDS team) your comment will appear in the end of all pages containing results related to the catalog.

The crossmatch

If at least 2 tables have coordinates, the cross-match, can be activated: a checkbox (by default not checked) Xmatch proposes this operation.

The result consists in a single table joined by position (also called a fuzzy join). When the checkbox is checked, you can modify:

The number of rows is truncated. We suggest you to add constraints like positions to avoid the truncation.

Depending of the precision of the catalogs, you will have to modify the Radius.

You will do that, if:

3  The constraints

In the current section, we discuss only about the default target Simple constraint. The second possibility List Of Constraints concerns the list of constraintsusage.

This list presents every column of each table; each of the column can be

By default all columns are shown - you can modify the edition at the end of the page.

last update: 13 Feb 2024